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Staying Fit and Healthy at a Music Festival.

Andy Robertson

Post festival recovery can take its toll on festival-goers due to excessive consumption and sleep deprivation. Being prepared and knowing the best practice to stay fit and healthy during a music festival can speed up the recovery process and make the whole experience more enjoyable.

The traditional festival experience has been one of excessive alcohol consumption combined with fast food, sleep deprivation and in some cases experimentation with illegal substances. Attitudes have changed over time and festival-goers are now more aware of the impact on their bodies of exposure to music festivals. What are the key elements for festival-goers to consider when trying to stay fit and healthy during their attendance? 

General Healthcare. 
There are some basic steps that festival-goers can take to look after themselves during a multi-day festival. If there is expected to be high temperatures and sunshine applying suitable sunscreen protection during daylight hours can prevent sunburns and other issues related to excessive UV. In such sunny high temperatures festival-goers should stay hydrated with sufficient quantities of water and avoid alcohol with has a dehydrating effect. Protection of hearing is often overlooked, and any damage is irreversible, so use of ear plugs is always recommended. Regular washing and taking care of personal hygiene can help to prevent any skin irritations or infections for example. 

Food and Drink. 
Consumption of fresh water is essential to maintain good health during festivals and prevent dehydration, but it may be appropriate to supplement this with electrolyte tablets or drinks to replenish lost salts and minerals. Festival organisers are more conscious of the well-being of festival-goers and now provide fresh water supplies and commission vendors who can provide healthy food options. Having organic fresh fruit and vegetables is preferable to fatty junk food with high amounts of sugar and chemicals. Organisers will usually allow site visitors to bring some snacks onto the site and many opt for nuts, granola bars, dried fruit or whole grain crackers which can provide an energy boost when needed. 

Physical Exercise and Rest. 
A lack of sleep and extended periods standing or dancing can impact the body, and it is wise to make time for rest and relaxation. There should be a good balance between activities like walking and dancing and rest periods to avoid exhaustion. A morning schedule that includes stretching and light exercise can help the body to warm up and prevents stiffness along with aches and pains. 

Mental Health. 
Often overlooked is the impact of a music festival on people’s mental health which can be brought on by multiple factors causing stress and anxiety. Organisers usually commission vendors who provide meditation and massage therapy services for example. A visit to one of these vendors can help calm festival-goers down. The impact of illegal substances can also result in mental health issues and on-site medical facilities may have experts able to treat those affected. 

If festival-goers are more prepared for their health and well-being during a festival they are more likely to last the length of the event and enjoy the whole experience. Many festival organisers offer tips and planning advice on their websites and social media channels for the health and well-being of ticket buyers. 

For festival organisers planning their events using a software management platform like Festival Pro gives them all the functionality they need manage every aspect of their event logistics. The guys who are responsible for this software have been in the front line of event management for many years and the features are built from that experience and are performance artists themselves. The Festival Pro platform is easy to use and has comprehensive features with specific modules for managing artists, contractors, venues/stages, vendors, volunteers, sponsors, guestlists, ticketing, cashless payments and contactless ordering.

Image by RosZie via Pixabay

Andy Robertson
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